Dogiology Blog

Pack/Family – What’s In A Name

Pack or family

We have believed for many years that dogs adhere to and live their lives according to the pack structure of dominant hierarchy. The pack theory of dominant hierarchy has long been a practiced and proven method of communicating with dogs. In our attempt to achieve understanding with our dogs, we structure their training and behavioural reasoning to correspond to this theory.

A little bit of history

The pack theory of Dominant Hierarchy came into existence between 1930 – 1940 when two Swiss scientists studied a pack of Zoo wolves living together. They observed that the most assertive male and female wolf within the pack form a pair. Between the two, there is no question of status or rank. With control and repression of others in the pack – males vs male, and female vs female – this pair defends their social position. The scientists concluded that wolves who live in the pack are in constant competition to achieve dominance. They fought each other for higher ranking. The “winner” was considered the “alpha wolf” or “leader of the pack”, in which all other wolves respect and follow. Several other studies took place shortly thereafter which supported their findings.

Similar hierarchies are present in many animal “packs” – not just the wolf. It is particularly evident in animals with obvious social groupings such as primates, dolphins, several types of birds, elephants, hens, etc. The hierarchy is a “pecking order” innately understood within the groups.

In the 1960’s Dr. David Mech, a renowned scientist and wolf expert, studied wolves in the wild as part of his PhD thesis. The outcome of his study was the publication of his book in 1970 entitled, “The Wolf” that totally supported the early alpha and domination theories of the two Swiss scientists. Years later, after further study and observation of wolf packs, Dr. Mech literally changed his mind. In 2000, he wrote a paper that was published in the Canadian Journal of Zoology which reads that the wolf dominance pack theory is totally misleading, based on the fact that the Swiss study was limited to the behaviour of wolves living in a zoo. “Attempting to apply information about the behaviour of assemblages of unrelated captive wolves to the familial structure of natural packs has resulted in considerable confusion. Such an approach is analogous to trying to draw inferences about human family dynamics by studying humans in refugee camps.” (quote by David Mech, 2000) To explain his new position, Mech claims that a pack of wolves in the wild is nothing other than a “family”. Simple family dynamics are responsible for the pack structure, which points to the “dad” and “mom” as what would be considered “alpha”, and the “children” following, learning from, and respecting their parents. Dr. Mech points out that unrelated wolves forced to live together in captivity causes tension and fighting, which is the reasoning behind the more antagonistic findings of the earlier study.

Dr. Mech’s paper was a turning-point for believing, whether or not, the pack theory of dominant hierarchy really exists. It has now been debunked by many dog professionals. Confusion exists as people debate the social interactions of dogs and how they learn. To the same extent, people ask, is the domestic dog really all that similar to wolves in a pack? Does the dog even recognize the pack structure in this day and age? The question has even become, did the dog really descend from the wolf?

is dominance dead

I guess a good place to start looking for answers is by determining whether or not we believe that dogs actually descended from the wolf. Due to their more trusting, dependent nature, a true domesticated dog could not have survived in ancient day. I think we would all agree to that. It is likely, and most widely accepted by historians, archaeologists and geneticists, that the dog is a decedent of the grey wolf. Then throughout history wolves were domesticated to coexist with humans. (We just summed up years and years of research into one paragraph… perhaps a subject for a future blog.) For our purposes, we just need a place to start and that is the most logical, right?

Now, let’s assume for a minute that Dr. Mech was correct in his final opinion that wolves do not live in unrelated packs, but rather in families. His reasoning that unrelated wolves forced to live together creates tension and confusion is logical. His conclusion that family dynamics are responsible for creating what we would refer to as a pack structure is believable. If you continue to read Dr. Mech’s research, he does state that unrelated wolves will sometimes join another “family” of wolves. When that happens, these unrelated wolves blend in and submit to the leadership of the parent, until perhaps mating with the parent’s offspring and starting a pack of their own. This all makes sense. So, after we boil it down, what type of “assemblage” are we left with? An “order”, a ranking, dare I say, a hierarchy? The issue here is not so much the terminology… whether it be “family”, “pack” or “hierarchy”, but rather what it suggests. Stronger, more assertive, wolves lead their pack. The more submissive members follow.

When you are in the company of dogs as I am at home with a pack of 9 that was once 17, we witness the dominance hierarchy in action every single day. At home I can observe the dogs “grouping” themselves during play. As recent as 2011 the

first quantitative study on dominance relationships at Doggie Day Care was written. The author confirms what I know to be true. If you watch the dogs play, there are generally two dogs as the primary players (the alpha couple?). Other dogs will skirt the primary players, trying to join in, each jockeying for position or forming smaller play groups. The results of this study “suggests that dominance is a robust component of dog-dog relationships.”

The many successes I see in our training programs is further evidence that our dogs seek leadership roles in their lives… a leader, an alpha. They look to us for guidance and find security and confidence in our care. They like knowing where they stand. Proper training creates the structure that dogs expect.


To some, the dominance theory suggests an aggressive method of communicating with and training our dogs. As with any doctrine or precept, some people take the “dominance” part of the equation to the extreme. They have twisted the concept into believing that we must overpower, intimidate, or subjugate dogs into submission. The application being that the dog trainer or owner must declare himself as alpha/ leader by force so that the dog will instinctively understand and obey. In fact, this extreme, irrational thinking has much to do with how the dominance theory lost its popularity amongst many dog professionals. In response, strictly positive, rewards-based training techniques were developed.

But is it true that the dog trainer or owner must declare themselves as alpha/leader so that the dog will instinctively understand and obey? Yes. The controversy is in how you go about it. Forceful attempts to training and controlling a dog could not be further from reality.

Dogiology Dog Trainers use what is referred to as a “balanced” or “blended” training method. Balanced means that we use both rewards-based and correction in training.

Rewards-based training is easy to understand. The dog is rewarded with treats, cheers, praise, petting and play, for doing the right thing. Good behaviour is reinforced so that it will be repeated and strengthened. But what if the dog continues to do the wrong thing? Then they are gently corrected by our trainers. The dog learns that there are consequences for doing the wrong thing. There are some who have made the erroneous assumption that “correction” training is training by hostile methods and is in direct relation to the dominant hierarchy blueprint for establishing alpha. In truth, correction is in no way a method of harshly reprimanding or physically harming your dog in any way. Correction should always be performed with empathy and kindness. The goal is to modify the behaviour without violating the dog’s trust.

Let me say a few things about “correction” training… What if you have a child that acts badly? If they are not corrected, they will continue this behaviour. Why not? If there are no consequences for doing the wrong thing, why should they do the right thing? By correcting a child or a dog, we teach them that there are rules. There are boundaries they should not cross. We set parameters for their life. This is how you learn right from wrong. Both children and dogs need this. When dogs understand right from wrong, they will choose to do the right thing out of a desire to please their owner, not because they are afraid they’ll be corrected in some way. Doesn’t that make sense?

Dominance is not a pretty word. The mere mention of the word conjures up visions of dog fights and power-plays. Is aggression and intimidation a characteristic of a dominant dog? Of course! We can’t play ignorant to the fact that some dogs fight. Shows of aggression do sometimes occur when dogs engage in hierarchy grouping. Besides that, we are talking about animals… Sometimes we forget that fact. What makes us human is our ability to gain alpha status with our dogs in a more “civilized” and loving manner.

Contrary to popular belief, there are many good characteristics of being a dominant alpha. An alpha wolf treats its members with kindness, fairness and generosity. Some say they’re even affectionate with their pack. He’s like a dad… strong to defend or protect, but gentle to guide and nurture. He’s calm and confident. Leaders stand tall, they are calm and authoritative. They allude confidence. They are firm yet gentle and loving. These are characteristics that motivate the pack to follow his lead. Are you a true leader to your dog?

Dogiology, Dog Behaviour Modification and Training Brisbane & Gold Coast

Feedback – How it SHAPES Me

Just like the dogs we train most humans love the pat on the back, the thank you and appreciation of a job well done.

To make a difference no matter how small to the lives of human and dog alike is a special thing.

Feedback also lets us know as individuals, and a company, that we are on track. Reviews, whether that are on Facebook, Tweeted or in person provide direction and room for growth and learning.

Even the negative ones (if legitimate) – there are companies that people pay to put false reviews on companies’ and people’s pages – are opportunities to improve yourself and your services.

Over the years with different employers I have kept letters of thanks and cards from clients. The world is a little different now with feedback delivered through messages and facebook.

I was made redundant not that long ago something that has never happened to me before. My gratitude to clients who shared with me their reviews which are references to my personal skills and attributes regardless of workplace.

Here are a few for those wanting to know more about me as a person who loves dogs and as a trainer/behaviourist.

I did one on one training with Aline and she was fantastic. Personal help and great explanation into dog behaviour and understanding why the behaviour was happening was so important to understand. My boy Bentley is a different dog!
5 Stars after doing a few other training programs this would be by far the best results I’ve had. Aline was amazing with my 4 year old Moodle that just didn’t cope being around other dogs & who just lived to get under my feet. A number of friends had also mentioned how much he had settled. & we learnt how to help Moet when confronted with other dogs.

Thank you again Aline
Lindsey & Moet.

December 20, 2019 at 9:22 PM

Aline goes beyond her call of duty with home visits and her knowledge and is meeting us in her own time to help with our rescue dog. She offers real and practical advice for our busy growing family. Our dog instantly feels safe and relaxed in her care and it’s clear she has a huge passion and care for all dogs. We have completed Level one Obedience this makes us feel so confident with her help that no challenge is too big. Thank you for showing us how to care for our happy fella!
I had in home obedience training with Aline and she was amazing! Very understanding of my rescue kelpie Teddy. She was patient with him and understood that it wouldn’t be a quick fix (given that he’s a rescue) and so she has given me the tools to keep on improving with Ted in the future. Would definitely recommend!
Aline……in a nutshell her experience passion and personality are the BEST!! extremely good value puppy basics and we are confident (eek, there I’ve said it!!!) our new 4 legged family member will fit in thanks to Aline’s involvement.
My Mally, Chief has learned so much from Aline. Friendly, professional and extremely well designed training to get your furchild on the right path! Cannot recommend enough!
We have only had 2 out of 3 dog obedience sessions with Aline and she has taught us so much. We have noticed such a huge difference in our dog in such a short time. So much knowledge and care about teaching us to be better dog owners. We haven’t even finished the course and would already recommended them.
We have just completed level 1 obedience class, the gains, confidence and certainty that I have acquired over this short amount of time is really a dream come true. I contacted Aline after reading all her endless amazing reviews to help with my young lab over reaction on walks. Aline provided the direction, guidance and knowingness that has helped bring ME back. I am now completely loving life and so is my Benson. Looking forward to future classes and lessons.
I would highly recommend Aline she was amazing with our 1 year old Am staff I was at my wits end with him before her and now with her help he is the beautiful boy I knew he could be. she was there for me whenever I called to help day or night. Thank you Aline and I look forward to more sessions with you in the future
Learning about you and your dog is the best thing you can do as a dog owner. Aline was awesome at at Level 1 & 2 obedience. We can’t recommend these guys enough if you want the best for you and your dog.
Aline was great! I had so many issues with my 2 girls, fighting over toys, pissing everywhere, growling at other dogs, pulling when walking…the list goes on. In 3 sessions I learnt so much from her and cant wait to continue implementing the training daily and learning more from her in the future. the girls are so much easier to deal with and life’s so much easier.

October 21, 2019

Aline is amazing & a godsend to us with a reactive rescue who we were told (when she was a pup) would have to be treated like a working dog. We weren’t included in the usual round up for the next puppy preschool or obedience classes.
Thanks to Aline, a year on, we are now starting to learn tools to help mitigate the reactive behaviour & stress in our lives. This is a CAN DO woman with formidable experience & skills that are far beyond any I’ve seen before.
We are truly grateful to the organisation & this true dog lover and five star trainer! The work continues & we don’t feel left to our own unskilled devices anymore.
The O’Rielly pack, Cairns Queensland.
Just wish we’d met earlier!
Dog Training Northlakes,Dog Training Narangba,Dog Training Chermside,Dog Training Ipswich,Dog Training Redbank,Dog Training Browns Plains,Dog Training Beaudesert,Dog Training

World Gone Mad

Ask a question on Facebook about anything and the opinion posts come flooding in. Ask a question on dogs and the divide on philosophies and ideologies abound. People abusing people they don’t even know because they have made a choice that is different to theirs.

I stopped responding and offer advice on forums such as these long ago. I am proud and stand by the way I train and teach others and rehabilitate dogs but I do not feel the need to put others that have a different way from me down.

My results speak for themselves and the feedback I receive makes me always strive to do better and to improve techniques in fact I am constantly growing in self and through what I learn.

So, what is in it for those that try and cut others down. One would think that if you had a problem, falling sales, less clients any downturn in business you would turn the focus on yourself and what you could do better – wouldn’t you?

If I had a magic pill to give each client I would be a rich woman today. Instead I rely on over 4 decades of knowing and sharing my life with dogs, many, many, dogs. I ask questions such as age and environment, rescue or not, what does the client want to achieve and so much more. Education also plays a part not only in experience but in academic sciences. This opens my mind and look at the whole animal and how we can best adapt it into our world.

  • Dog training Brisbane
  • Dog Behaviourist
  • Dog Behaviour Modification

Dog Training – And So It Starts

My pack Wingello State Forest Weekend

A short half century ago my dad, military and stern, took my sister and I to the pound to pick a dog of our very own. Blackie was Kelpie from head to toe and in-between. A jumping, digging, barking gem of a dog and I loved him dearly. He lived a good life, always with me and together we got up to so much mischief that usually included packing my school bag to run away from home in search of adventures. It seems such a gentler world then.

Blackie started a lifelong obsession with all dogs. It was however, the abandoned and surrendered canines with issues born of inadequately informed or morally bankrupt humans, that stole my heart.

People think I train dogs. Don’t get me wrong I can train your dog from basic manners to scenting truffles or drugs, or even ride a skateboard if that’s what you would like, but that’s not who I am or what I do. I’m a dog behaviourist, which means I rehabilitate dogs and that I train people. Not all trainers are behaviourists please bear that in mind. Not all behaviourists have qualifications, nor do they need to, but they must have experience and be self taught to read canine language effectively….. and believe me it is sometimes very subtle. I need every ounce of my 40 years of practical experience plus my academic achievements in both Human and Animal behaviour to deal with some cases.Beaudesert

It’s an important distinction, and one that can be hard for people to understand.

Let me explain.

People believe that getting a dog to behave is the same as training. It’s not.

There are well-trained dogs that still have behavioural issues. These dogs could do a lot of tricks, like sit, shake hands, roll over, or retrieve an item — but still chewed up shoes and furniture, still barked non-stop, and still pulled on the walk.

Training is meant to teach a dog to perform a specific task when given a specific stimulus. It’s the process of associating, for example, a word with a behaviour. In this decade, the most utilised of these methods and least understood is positive reinforcement. If the dog does the trick, the dog gets a food treat.

A lot of dogs are willing to do anything for food. Enough repetition and you can even get the dog to do the trick without the reward. You say shake and they raise their paw. It becomes second nature.

What dog training does not do is solve behavioural issues. I’m sure many of you reading this have had the experience of calling your dog to come to you — something you’ve trained them to do — but they ignore you because they see a dog, or the postman is invading the dog’s territory, or something else has their attention. In these cases, the training goes right out the window. Even Lassie, (sometimes played by a female) one of the most famous trained dogs in the world still had behavioural issues because training a dog does not address the issues that actually cause misbehaviour.

In order to rehabilitate a dog, you need to figure out what it is in the dog’s environment that is causing the misbehaviour. Are they bored? Frustrated? Overexcited? Fearful? Is there a biological or physiological reason at play? If you don’t deal with those issues, you can have a well-trained dog that will sit on command and still be completely bored or frustrated and so on.

Now this one is a biggie!! I speak about it all the time ENERGY ENERGY ENERGY. I am an extrovert and I need external energy to keep sane and centred. When I am with my pack, and yes, I have a pack of 9 at present, I am always aware that anything I do or say fuels the environment. This in turn, in a dog’s environment, affects its’ behaviour. Let’s say that again. It is the energy of the people around it that affect a dog’s behaviour. Dogs are our mirrors. They reflect back the energy we give them, and if we are not calm, consistent and assertive they cannot be calm, consistent and submissive.

It then comes to reason that I rehabilitate dogs and train people. If we show humans how their energy is affecting their dog, and then how to change that energy to get the desired behaviour we start to see improvement in all manner of dog behaviours. In conjunction with this, if you as a person provide whatever the dog is lacking in order to fulfil the dog’s needs then you will bring it to a calm place.

Over the coming weeks I will share some real life stories of dogs’ past and present that were changed forever and changed me forever.

Specialise in training in these ares:


